Rotary Club of Sequim Noon Photo Gallery

Smash Burger Event
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Serve it Up! Smash Burgers, Chili Burgers, Dogs and Chili Dogs
Sequim Noon Rotary Works!
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Adaptive Bike Project
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Customized adaptive bikes/trykes gifted to local students with physical challenges
Area 8 Dignity Toilet Project in Togo Africa
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Port Angeles Nor'wester, Port Angeles Noon, Sequim Noon, Sequim Sunrise, Port Townsend Noon, Port Townsend Sunrise and East Jefferson Rotary clubs working together to fund 132 dignity toilets in Klobatem Village. The Lome Zenith Rotary Club is the host club.
Salmon Bake over the years
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This is photos of the beginning and most recent 50 years of our Salmon Bake fundraiser in Sequim. Beginning at Pitship Point (now John Wayne Marina) and most recently at our Carroll C. Kendall Boys & Girls Club location in downtown Sequim.
Hoodies for Boys & Girls Club kids
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Given by the members of the Rotary Club of Sequim in lieu of a Christmas Party
Boys & Girls Club Kitchen Renovation
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Members worked together to clean and prepare the kitchen for new equipment, including a new ice machine
Global Grant Guatemala Photos
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In cooperation with several other NW Rotary Clubs we were able to assist with sanitation in Guatemala over several years. Club member Lang and honorary member, his wife Mary had the privilege to travel to several sites in person.
Harry Hughes Dictionary Program
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Gifted for 20 years to all Sequim area 4th graders, to assist with literacy
Raise a Reader
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during President Sara's tenure this program was begun to encourage literacy
Photos from meetings and other activities
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Various dates and activities